
The challenges and trends of packaging for 2023

The challenges and trends of packaging for 2023


The challenges facing the logistic packaging sector for this 2023 are enormous. A deep transformation is taking place driving by the combination of several factors: the European circular economy regulations, and their transposition into the legal systems of each country, on one side ; the consumer’s demands, increasingly aware of responsible consumption and respectful of the environment, on the other; and the pursuit of the sustainability of containers and packaging by the industry itself, which also, in an uncertain and changing international panorama, is looking for new ways of growth.

These circumstances, together with the unstoppable advance of ecommerce and the movement of goods around the world, produce a panorama in which innovation and the advancement of technologies are being key to business options and investments ; opportunities are in sight. Now we have to know how to take advantage of them.

Packaging challenges and trends for 2023 

  1. Circularity in container and packaging

Companies are facing more concrete and urgent demands: the greater regulatory intervention in terms of reuse and recycling is increasingly evident. The reduction of plastic and plastic components in packaging is no longer an option to become more mandatory. Ecodesign becomes crucially important in this context, as a way to achieve reduction, recyclability and circularity objectives. In Spain, the entry into force of the Law of waste and contamined soils will require greater commitment and responsability on the part of producers, with the aim of protecting the environment and human health.

  1. Simplicity, reduction, paper and cardboard

Companies reconsider the ways in which they present and ship their products, using renewable and recyclable materials in their fair proportion, adapting to consumer demands and improving their brand image.

Reducing single-use materials creates less waste and, if it’s smart, lowers costs and improves productivity. The client preceives all this and chooses with greater criteria each time. Containers and packaging based on paper and cardboard as a solution are turning out to be an area with enormous potential and multiple possibilities for development.

  1. Demand for trained professionals

Specialized workforce talent is already challenging as well as a strong trend right now. The rapid changes in the industry require professionals with advanced knowledge and, in particular, qualities such as rapid learning and adaptability to new contexts and technologies, who provide a technically rigorous vision, capable of applying innovations to scenes in constant transformation.

  1. Communication with the consumer

Consumers are increasingly aware of the impact of their consumption on the environment and their involvement is essential in the changes that are taking place. Companies are clear about their responsability when it comes to keeping their communication channels and consumer information well-fed to detect opportunities, but not only, it is also necessary to seek balance in prices to achieve sustainable consumption.

  1. Cost containment approach

Cost reduction and containment continue to be necessary for companies in an unstable economic framework, in which uncertainty and geopolitical risks affect strategic sectors, trade agreements and trade developement at all levels. It is essential to apply cost reduction initiatives intelligently and appopriately, because they can affect the possibilities and survival of companies. Cutting expenses without harming the business and redirecting reserves to the areas that enhance the value proposition of each company is the key.

  1. Emphasis on sustainbility as a goal

Companies have been integrating changes to reduce their environmental impact for years, and from now on, adapting to regulatory changes will imply the complete transversal integration of effective sustainability in all their business processes and strategies. Sustainability in processes is already being a strategic element and business competitiveness and marking the differences.

Choosing the packaging products that best meet these challeges and trends must be increasingly careful. Gummed paper tape is becoming the standard as a safe, economical and sustainable seal for shipments and is the appropriate choice in the packaging decisions of companies for this year 2023.

More information on how to choose, customize and buy water activated tape.

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