
2021: a special year at Ibergum, SA

2021: a special year at Ibergum, SA


During this year 2021 we have seen how the daily effort of the entire staff of Ibergum, SA has been rewarded in various aspects. We are very satisfied, and we are aware that these good results should serve as a spur to persevere in continuous improvement. 

Indeed, after a difficult year 2020, barely drawn in the last quarter, we closed 2021 with excellent figures, as the best in the 63 years history of the company: record turnover figures, expansion of the company’s workforce, and a solid orders volume to start next 2022.


The pandemic and other circumstances

During these last two years, the pandemic has brought about a radical change in our lives. Sticking to the workplace and trying to see the positive side of things, I would highlight that this terrible situation has allowed us to gain flexibility and teamwork, with which we have been overcoming all the inconveniences and difficulties of the day to day.

There are another series of complicated circumstances and challenges to face in the next 2022, which have appeared or have been accentuated with the pandemic. The main problem that I currently perceive is the inflationary bubble that we are already facing; raw material costs, either due to scarcity or speculation in some cases, energy costs, transportation problems ... etc. We need stability and costs certainty if we want to get out of the recession caused by the pandemic in a controlled way. And we know from experience how the situation ends when these bubbles burst.

It should be noted that the packaging sector has emerged from the recession with a great pull of demand. In the case of Ibergum, SA, this fact altogether with our organization improvement and the sowing work of so many years is paying off.

Ibergum, SA: large company

This 2021 has also been the year of the transition of Ibergum, SA to a large company based on its business turnover. The Spanish Treasury considers -at the fiscal level- a large company to be one that invoices above 6,101,000 € in its fiscal year. In previous years, the figure has been close, but in this 2021, I estimate that we will close the year with a turnover close to 7.5 million €. This represents a growth of around 48% compared to 2020 and 34% compared to 2019.

2021, a year of awards

If in September 2021 we received the SME of the Year award, in its second prize International Expansion, again in November, in a fantastic gala, we were given the Business Excellence award to the company with the greatest international projection. Although relevant in Ibergum, SA (Engomadora La Madrileña in its beginnings) since its inception in 1958, our exporting character in this last year has been reinforced, currently representing 73% of our turnover. We are talking about growth of 49% compared to 2019 and 58% compared to last year. And already selling in more than forty countries.

These figures, for an SME made up of a team of about thirty people, reinforce our idea that it is possible to continue growing in foreign markets, without forgetting our national one.

Let us always bear in mind that the industry, by relying on the quality of the products it manufactures, will guarantee stability in employment, in order to fulfill the social work assigned to it. And that the future of a company will always be determined by the commitment and work of the people who dedicate their efforts to the achievement of common objectives. I am firmly convinced that human capital is and should always be the main asset in a company.

The special achievements of Ibergum, SA in this 2021 that is ending, have been thanks to the work of each and every one of the people who are part of this company, and they motivate us to give the best version of each one over the next year.

 Thank you all very much, Merry Xmas. wishing that next 2022 will be a prosperous and happy year.

Enrique Arconada


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