
Cardboard box and gummed paper tape: the perfect couple in packaging

Cardboard box and gummed paper tape: the perfect couple in packaging


Cardboard boxes: protagonists in packaging

In 1871, the pharmacist Albert L. Jones, fed up with the breakage in his perfume bottles, began to use corrugated paper to cushion the blows. A little later, in 1874, Oliver Long adhered Jones' corrugated paper to flat sheets of paper - called 'liners' - and thus we arrived at what we know today as corrugated cardboard. In 1890 Robert Gair began the production of cardboard boxes.

Due to its flexural properties and resistance to stacking, today cardboard is the protagonist when we talk about packaging; and not only in figures of the use of packaging material, but also in the consumer's shopping experience:

  • The customer spends between 17% and 20% more time at the fruit and vegetable counters if they are presented in cardboard packaging.
  • The consumer covers 51% more area of ​​the fresh section when the product is presented in cardboard.
  • 75.2% of Spanish consumers prefer cardboard packaging, for hygiene, environmental protection and sustainability, and for safety.

Spain is the third European power in cardboard manufacturing, and the average cardboard consumption per inhabitant in 2019 increased by 2.55 kgs compared to the previous year.

Gummed paper: the only suitable closure for cardboard boxes

Indeed, when we talk about packaging, cardboard boxes are the most efficient alternative, as well as the most widely used and estimated for its sustainability by the consumer. But a cardboard box that is open or with an ineffective closure is useless and does not do its job.

Here the gummed paper tape is irreplaceable. Using gummed paper to close cardboard boxes,

  1. We guarantee the complete closure and sealing of the packaging, which is impossible to open or manipulate without detection.
  2. We use homogeneous materials, whose reaction to humidity and vegetal adhesive by capillarity is fusion; in this way, the packages are not only sealed, but also unified. The entire packaging is made up of a single material, which responds to the current demand for monomaterials in the world of packaging, which is growing as the linear economy is replaced by the circular economy.
  3. We achieved the concept of monopackaging, for an optimal recycling of materials and without additional costs. Achieving sustainability is a priority at the present time.

Using gummed paper to close the cardboard boxes in packaging also provides a combination of resistance and security, a better finished, professional and distinctive presentation, and more advantages ...

There is only one suitable seal to close cardboard boxes, gummed paper tape: they are just like this: the perfect couple.

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